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Lopez and Affleck most recently reunited on his 52nd birthday, which an insider told PEOPLE he spent having a small "celebration at home" with his kids.

Girls Aloud star Cheryl enjoyed a relaxing and luxurious break in the British countryside with her son, Bear as she labelled their stay 'perfect' and soaked up their surroundings

De nuevo hubo planes de boda. Anunciaron su compromiso en abril de 2022 y finalmente eligieron la ciudad de Las Vegas para un matrimonio exprés en julio de ese mismo año.

Campeón for Lopez, ET's source notes that she's "also ready to move forward and is ready to close this chapter cordially."

They began dating working on the legendary Hollywood bust "Gigli" in a relationship that introduced the term "Bennifer" to tabloid lexicon.

"She's very disappointed and sad, but Ben hasn't given her any signs that he wants to continue their marriage," says the insider.

'They are very different people,' the source added of Affleck and Lopez. 'She's super public and wants to go pasado, and he's more of an introvert and is happy to hang out at home.'

"Las plataformas como Airbnb o Booking aumentan la crisis de vivienda, pero las razones que la provocan son otras"

Helen Flanagan has been pictured 'cosying up' to former footballer Robbie Talbot after celebrating her 34th birthday at a lavish bash in Manchester with friends and family

Lo ben affleck and jlo divorcing último ben affleck y jlo 1 Precios más caros para los turistas en Japón: el país japonés (aún) se revuelve contra el turismo masivo 2 Israel e Hizbulá elevan la tensión con el mayor intercambio de fuego en más de dos décadas 3 Las danzas de Arts i Oficis y los Teixidors protagonizan la penúltima día del 55 Sexenni de Morella 4 El PP arranca el curso político a la ataque para cercar al Gobierno: de Venezuela al concierto económico 5 La Fiscalía alemana investiga "intensamente" los vínculos del supuesto homicida de Solingen con Estado Islámico

She also revealed ben affleck and jlo divorcing her first impression of Affleck. “I felt like … ‘Okay, this is it,’” she said. “[But] sometimes I feel like what you think people are and how you see them when you love them is different than when they reveal later.”

Trofeo Beckham está preparando su propia serie documental, ¡y promete aventajar jlo y ben affleck se separan a la de su marido!

"Por lo que explica su entorno, a Jennifer López le encanta estar en los medios, le encanta estar delante de las cámaras, ser una diva; y Ben Affleck quiere estar en su casa.

Asimismo, varios medios apuntan que el origen de los problemas pudo ocurrir llegado mucho antaño: en la escaparate de miel que la pareja no dudó en compartir a ben affleck j lo divorce través de sus redes sociales.

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